Post Election: We Must Pray and Demonstrate the Power of The Holy Spirit Now More Than Ever!
Good Morning My Loves, I believe that we need to be “filled” with the power of the Holy Spirit, and aware of our authority in Christ more...

God is Choosing the "Least Likely Ones" to Lead a Deliverance Militia!
Good Morning My Loves, I’ve been going through the book of Judges the past few weeks and I noticed that God the Holy Spirit was at work...

Open Your Mouth and Use Your Sword!
Good Morning My Loves, Did you know that your Bible and the scriptures in it are not a lethal “sword” to the enemy until they are spoken?...

DO NOT Subscribe to What the Devil is Publishing!
Good Morning My Loves, I had an interesting dream last night in which I was performing a deliverance on someone who was almost dead. He...

I'm Changing The Relational Landscape of My Loved Ones Lives and Bringing Relational Healing!
Good Morning My Loves, As I began praying this morning I kept seeing and hearing the word “relational.” I had a short vision of a...

We Must Leave Our Comfort Zones, and Compel Them to Come In!
Yesterday in our staff meeting my daughter in-love (Cassie) shared a dream in which we (our family) were being shown a beautiful old...

Self-Comfort Leads to Apathy and Destruction, The Comforter Leads to Life!
Good Morning My Loves, Have you ever got stuck watching a show and stayed up too late to see how it ends? I did that last night. There...

Your Ugly Season of Pruning is About to Produce a Beautiful Season of Richer and Finer Fruit!
Good Morning My Loves, Yesterday, Pastor Rick and I were enjoying the beauty of our backyard, and we began discussing the way it looked...

Been Heartsick? God is Restoring You!
Good Morning My Loves, For the past month the Lord has been saying, “I’m dealing with the hidden (secret) motives of My people. Heart...