Good Morning My Loves, Many years ago I received a word from the Lord, that He was going to catapult what the world considered “ordinary” men and women to the forefront to become “extraordinary” leaders in His end-time army. These “nobodies from nowhere” would begin to emerge and do great exploits for Him, because of several things: 1. A holy jealousy for His honor.
2. Uncommon devotion and commitment to His Word. 3. An unwaveringly intimate connection with Him in the secret place.

4. Extraordinary faith. e·merge
1. move out of or away from something and come into view.
2. come out, appear, come into view, become visible, surface, materialize,
3. manifest oneself, issue, come forth
4. become apparent, important, or prominent.
5. become known
God put a desire to live above the mundane inside of every person. His plan and purpose for your life is challenging, exciting, and perfectly tailored for you, but it will never be comfortable, dull, and mundane. I sense that God is calling many of you out of your comfort zone, and beyond your past. Many of you have had to move out of and away from relationships that were “killing your dreams.” Those that wouldn’t grow with you couldn’t go with you, and it’s caused you some pain. However, God is wanting you, like myself, to render your past irrelevant and determine that your past isn’t going to determine your future. You’ve been called to prominence for a purpose, and you can’t do what He’s called you to do with dream killers dragging you down! He’s calling you to raise your “expectations,” and break free from patterns of defeat so that you can experience the victory and success that are yours in Christ Jesus! He saying, “I see your devotion. I know you love Me, but at times your faith has been shaky. I want you to take your faith from ordinary to extraordinary! -EXPECT GOD TO CAUSE YOU TO TRIUMPH IN EVERY SITUATION! 2 Corinthians 2:14 (ERV)
14 But thanks be to God, who always leads us in victory through Christ. God uses us to spread his knowledge everywhere like a sweet-smelling perfume. -EXPECT GOD TO CRUSH SATAN UNDER “YOUR” FEET! Romans 16:20 (AMP)
20 The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.
-TAKE THE LIMITS OFF OF GOD! Expect Him to do exactly what He’s promised in His word. Expect extraordinary miracles NOW!
Hebrews 11:1 (NKJV)
11 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. My Beloved, a person of faith ACTS in accordance with their faith. I believed this word from the Lord when He gave it to me. I got up and started living like a world-changer. I began studying to show myself approved, knowing that I would preach to the nations. No one knew who I was, except my family and a few friends. I began stewarding that word with a fierce tenacity, and believe me it’s been challenged again and again. I’ve been mocked, ridiculed, and scorned, but I HAVEN’T LOST FAITH. Many of you have been through similar situations, and because of your relationship with Him in the secret place, you have held on to your word by faith. God is saying, “RAISE YOUR EXPECTATIONS AND ACT ACCORDING TO YOUR FAITH. I’m going to cause the enemies who rose up against you to be defeated before your face! IT’S YOUR SEASON TO EMERGE!” Deuteronomy 28:7 (AMP)
7 “The Lord will cause the enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before you; they will come out against you one way, but flee before you seven ways.
I love you all! PV