God is Clearly Showing Us What Time it Is!

Good Morning My Loves,
Today we experienced a political earthquake in America. A seismic shift that is the result of humility, holiness, and fervent prayer. America elected President Donald Trump as our leader for the next four years. He said “No” to abortion on demand, “No” to same-sex marriage, and was very clear on other issues that need to be implemented in order to bring God’s order, prosperity, and safety to the American people, including standing with Israel. He’s not a perfect specimen by no stretch of the imagination, but he took his stand on God's side of the major issues, and God honored and endorsed him for that, and so must we. We must pray for him and his family the same way that we have for President Obama, or would have for Hillary Clinton. We must bless and not curse each other, or our leaders!
Today, we as Christians celebrate heaven’s endorsement of our fasting and prayer. However, we must not settle back into “comfortable,” “apathetic Christianity." Our nation needs the love, strength, and mercy of Almighty God to be put on full display in order to unite this nation. We must INCREASE our prayer life as never before. I believe that on God’s eternal calendar we are in the 3rd group of mandated festivals (Feast of TRUMPets, 10 Days of Awe (Fasting, Prayer, Repentance), At-One-Ment (atonement), and Tabernacles (The world-wide outpouring of His presence, followed by eternal fellowship with Him in heaven). If God’s people heed the call to humility, holiness and prayer, this will be a great time of recomPENCE. (Joel 2) We must pay attention the the signs of the times. God is clearly showing us what time it is. It is not coincidental that we now have a TRUMP and PENCE in the highest office of our land. -It’s time for the former and latter rain.
-It’s time for the “fruit” harvest. Babies don’t bear fruit, mature sons and daughters do.
-It’s time to grow up, so we can go up! In order to go up, we must keep our flesh down by living a lifestyle of fasting and prayer. (Not just a “once in a while” thing)
-It’s time to return to the “plumb-line” of God’s Holy Scriptures and cling to truth no matter the cost.
-It’s time for a true demonstration of humility and holiness. These are the virtues of the hour. We must have holiness in the high places, and in order to secure the 7 mountains of culture we must demonstrate the humility, holiness, and love of our Lord Jesus Christ.
-It’s also a time of: double-portion, financial abundance, restoration-recompense, miracles, God’s divine presence, blessings upon your family, and deliverance!
We must not back down in our prayer life. There is a call to come back to the altar as never before. We must press in and pray for our nation, and the whole world.
It’s HARVEST SEASON! Everything moves faster in harvest season. There’s no time to waste. This will be a time of acceleration, where seedtime and harvest will be the same. (Amos 9:13) In fact, the sowers will overtake the reapers. Souls and abundance for the saints will come quicker than we can preach, or sow. Get ready. We need mature sons and daughters to handle what is coming. You can’t hold and feed babies if you’re still a baby yourself!
-We know our identity in Christ.
-We know we are loved unconditionally, and are empowered by God’s amazing grace. -We know we have the spirit of adoption by which we cry “Abba Father.”
-We know we are children of God, but NOW it’s time to arise as mature sons and daughters.
-We must move from the milk to the meat.
-We need the strength of the Holy Spirit and cleansing power of the Word to help us bring the change needed to America and the world.
We can make America great again. But it’s going to take each of us individually taking our place. We can’t depend on our President and elected officials to do everything for us. Let’s stay humble, holy, and fervent in our prayers, and LET’S GET TO WORK!
I love you all! PV