If You Agree With God You'll Build Yourself and Each Other Up! If You Agree With the Devil, You&

Good Morning My Loves,
Are you able to catch the lies of the enemy as they come into your mind? Are you refusing to come into agreement with thoughts of guilt, shame, blame, fear and destruction? I pray you are, and that you realize that misuse of our words is how we tear ourselves, each other, and our nation down. Proper use of our words is how we build ourselves, each other, and our nation up.
Based on our internal agreements, we’ll either create fear, hatred, and destruction, or peace and restoration in our own lives and those we speak to.
When we do not catch the lies of the devil as they come into our mind and immediately replace them with truth, we end up spewing onto others what we’ve agreed to within our own soul.
-When we agree with the devil: -We agree with fear, so we impart fear and try to control others.
-We don’t allow others to be free, because we’re not.
-We agree with guilt, so we harshly judge ourselves and others, laying big guilt trips on ourselves and everyone around us.
-We agree with shame, so we hide and pretend to be someone that we’re not, and end up shaming others.
-We agree with hatred, so we hate ourselves and others, bringing destruction to ourselves and everyone and everything around us.
On the other hand, when we agree with God: -We agree with love, so we impart love and do not try to control others. We allow them to be free, because we are.
-We agree with Christ Jesus that He took our guilt, shame, and judgement-punishment for our sins, so we stop laying big guilt trips on ourselves and others. We go from having a harsh internal judge, to allowing the gentle and gracious voice of the Holy Spirit to lead us. We begin to demonstrate and manifest the character of Christ, which is the “fruit” of the Holy Spirit within.
Galatians 5:22-23 (AMP)
22 But the fruit of the Spirit [the result of His presence within us] is love [unselfish concern for others], joy, [inner] peace, patience [not the ability to wait, but how we act while waiting], kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.
-We no longer hide or pretend to be someone that we’re not. We are no longer ashamed, or afraid to be “alive” and who God created us to be. We take on our royal identity, love ourselves, and bring life, love, and restoration to everyone and everything around us.
-We stop throwing our own family, business partners, teammates, pastor, or POTUS under the bus. We no longer want to destroy them, but to see them succeed. Why? Because we agree that is what God wants for us, so we want that for others.
-We quit gossiping and sharing “juicy prayer requests” with no intention of actually praying. We agree that Jesus isn’t gossiping and judging us, but actually interceding for us regardless of how “jacked up” we are, and therefore we do the same for others.
-We forgive, because we’ve been forgiven.
-We show mercy, because we’ve received mercy.
-We are identified as Christ’s true disciples by even our enemies, because of the way we comfort, encourage, love, and build each other up, instead of hating and tearing each other down.
John 13:35 (AMP)
35 By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you have love and unselfish concern for one another.”
1 Thessalonians 5:11 (AMP)
11 Therefore encourage and comfort one another and build up one another, just as you are doing.
I’ve said this on numerous occasions, and I’ll say it again, “Let’s be builder uppers, and not tearer downers.” That doesn’t mean we turn a blind eye to what needs to be confronted in love, but that we say what needs to be said in a way that brings life and not destruction!
However, we can only do that if we agree with God. Let’s repent and renounce all lies and agreements with the devil, and agree with God’s Word. Let’s change our internal dialogue to one of hope, love, peace, and restoration. As we individually begin to change, our nation will follow. We can be great again, but it’s going to take a huge shift in us at the heart level. We can do this, and we must!
I love you all! PV