Dear Soul Harvest Family,
After much prayer and consideration our leadership has decided to reopen for services on Pentecost Sunday, May 31st. We are taking every precaution to make your safety our top priority. Therefore, we are adding another service to allow for physical distancing, reducing gathering size, and shortening the service times to 1 hr.
**Our new service times will be 9 and 10:30 am.
We will provide disposable masks for those want them, temperature checks at the door, hand sanitizer stations, and cleaning of all touched surfaces between services. We recommend that you take your temperature before attending service as anyone with a temperature of 100.4 will not be allowed in the building. Our prayer team will be stationed at the front door to offer immediate prayer outside the building for anyone who has a fever or is sick.
-If you have a compromised immune system, please stay home and watch on-line.
-If you are feeling sick, please stay home and watch on-line.
-If you have tested positive for COVID19, or recently been exposed, please follow the quarantine guidelines, stay home and watch on-line. (Please email the church and our prayer team will be covering you in prayer.)
**We are reopening in 2 stages.
In stage 1 we will not have childcare, children’s ministry, or youth group available due to the difficulties of physical distancing in those age groups. Your family’s safety is our top priority, therefore we require that parents keep your children with you at all times if you choose to attend with them, even taking them to the restroom and not allowing them to wander through the building. We believe you are the best person to make sure your child is safe, and we need your help. We will be live-streaming both services and encourage you to take advantage of them if you are uncomfortable bringing your children with you. For those who do attend with children, we have designated a special seating area for families who have sheltered in place together.
In stage 2, we will have childcare, children’s ministry, and youth group gatherings again. We believe it will be soon, and will keep you posted.
We love you all, and whether you choose to attend in person or on-line, you are precious, prayed for, and celebrated by your S.H.W.C. family. We believe that we are in one of the greatest seasons of evangelism, deliverance, signs and wonders that the world has ever seen. We also believe that God’s Kingdom business is the “most essential” business in the universe and that we must continue to provide hope and healing to those who need it in this hour. Let’s continue to wash our hands, use Godly wisdom, and trust God as we move forward!
Pastor Verna and the SHWC Leadership Team