The Monday Blessing-The Way You Say It, Is the Way it Will Be!
I bless you in the mighty name of Jesus to align your words with the Word of God. I declare that you are a life-giving river to your...

Your Ugly Season of Pruning is About to Produce a Beautiful Season of Richer and Finer Fruit!
Good Morning My Loves, Yesterday, Pastor Rick and I were enjoying the beauty of our backyard, and we began discussing the way it looked...

Old Negative Cycles are Being Destroyed, and New Cycles are Being Established!
Good Morning My Loves, Last night I had a powerful dream that I believe is for many of you. I was in a laundry mat in front of a washing...

The Monday Blessing
I bless you in the mighty name of Jesus to get on your face and seek God. Get new vision. Get up. Get going, and FINISH! The devil may...