Rise Up and Walk On!

Good Morning My Loves,
For the past few days we’ve watched the city of Houston, Texas fill with water as Hurricane Harvey continues to dump rain into the already flooded region. Dams are now breaking and instead of cars on the streets, rescue boats are the primary vehicles.
People are trapped, some have drowned, and thousands along the gulf coast are homeless and looking for shelter. As we sit on the west coast praying, there are so many things to thank God for today. Yet, inevitably there are those with a victim mentality who are so self absorbed that they’ll still be sitting on their pity-pot, using the breath in their body to complain and worry about something that these precious people in Texas would be thankful for. Long after the storm blows over and others are rebuilding their lives, they'll still be stuck in the same place with another sad story to talk about, unless they change their mindset. Many will criticize and slander people for not helping the victims, but won’t sow a dime of financial support or roll up their sleeves to help.
Instead of these victims thanking God for His faithfulness to get them through their own difficulties, and declaring that God will show himself strong in the midst of this storm, they’ll continue to blame God for it all. Ugh!
Everyone faces challenges and difficulties in this life that can throw them into a deep dark sunless valley, as David described his low point in Psalm 23. But victors rise up and walk on through the valley. They don’t get stuck there.
Psalm 23:4 (AMPC)
4 Yes, though I walk through the [deep, sunless] valley of the shadow of death, I will fear or dread no evil, for You are with me; Your rod [to protect] and Your staff [to guide], they comfort me.
There are unexpected storms that come in our lives both spiritually and naturally. Storms come in all forms; hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, illness, divorce, death of a dream, death of a loved one, unexpected or unwanted transition, addiction, crime, etc…
-Victims look at what they’ve lost, blame a loving God for not protecting them, and get stuck.
-Victors look at God, acknowledge that He’s with them, take His hand, thank Him for His love and comfort, and rise up and walk on through it. They declare that weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning. (Psalm 30:5) They look for others to help, knowing that through giving love and compassion, they’re receiving it themselves.
-Victims stay stuck. Their loss and setbacks become the focus of their life and they lose their joy and exuberance for life. They make themselves even more sick as bitterness seeps into every part of their soul. Instead of allowing God to carry them through, they sink into their pit of self-pity, and wallow in bitter misery. Ugh.
-Victors don’t stay stuck. They know they are not alone. They know God loves them, and is for them, no matter what! They forgive, shake off bitterness, and determine to press forward. They praise God in the midnight hour like Paul and Silas did when they were thrown in prison for preaching the “good news.” Their praise breaks their own shackles and the shackles of everyone around them. (Acts 16) They know that with God on their side, “No weapon formed against them will prosper.” (Isaiah 54:17)
Today, no matter what has happened in your life, begin to thank God for giving you life, breath, and strength to get through difficult times. Praise and thank Him that He’s with you. Choose to focus on the victory that you have in Him. Keep an attitude of faith, hope, and expectancy in a brighter future. As you do this, the challenges will become smaller. God will not only bring you through, but He'll restore to you double! (Zechariah 9:12)
I love you all! PV