Let God be God!
Good Morning My Loves, The day you realize that you have everything you need to fulfill your God-given purpose on the inside of you, is...

Don't Stop Believing in God's Love for You!
Good Morning My Loves, Last night there was live music at the place where we ate dinner. I wasn’t familiar with the songs as they were...

The Dark Season You Walked Through is Being Eclipsed By The Brightness of God's Goodness!
Good Morning My Loves, As we are fast approaching 2017 I discern a “resilient courage” coming upon God’s people. Many that had fallen...

Pay Attention to What You Magnify!
Good Morning My Loves, Last night in worship while singing the beautiful old song, “I exalt thee, I exalt thee, I exalt thee, Oh Lord…”, I...

Merry Christmas! May You Be More on Fire and Filled With Greater Joy Than Ever Before!
Good Morning My Loves, Merry Christmas to all of you! I pray you are more on fire in this season, and that you have a JOYFUL NEW YEAR!...

Refuse to Give Up! Every Word God Has Spoken to You Shall Come to Pass!
Good Morning My Loves, On this Christmas Eve I pray that you are standing strong in your faith, and thinking about the fact that God...

Get Ready For a Shift and A Flood of God's Uncommon Favor!
Good Morning My Loves, GET READY FOR A SHIFT…Get ready for a shift….a shift is coming, get ready for a shift…That phrase was running...

Get a Grip! Don't Let Your Grip Slip on Your Promise Now!
Good Morning My Loves, For the past few days I’ve been discerning an atmosphere of “irrational fear.” I use the word “irrational” because...

Reject Thoughts that are Contrary to God's Word!
Good Morning My Loves, If you are to prosper and be in good health even as your soul prospers, you must get this principle down deep in...

True Serving Engraves the Love of God on People's Hearts, and Causes Them to Come to Jesus!
Good Morning My Loves, If everyone one of us stepped out to serve with welcoming affection for each other and the lost, what would this...