Happy Valentines Day My Loves!:-) I have a question for you. Are you growing in your love for others?

I’ve decided that true spiritual growth isn’t measured by how much I know about the Bible, how well I prophesy, preach, pray, talk in tongues, give accurate words of knowledge, how big my ministry is, or even how many people get healed, saved, or trained under my leadership, but by how well I love people. I think each of us should proactively assess our growth in the love department since it is all that will matter in the end! We should be asking ourselves these questions on a regular basis: Do I love more or less?
Am I growing more fervent in my love, or has my love grown cold?
Am I more able to love people that get on my nerves than I was 10 years ago?
Am I able to love hateful people, as much as lovable people?
Am I more able to love people that disagree with me, than I was 10 years ago?
Am I able to love the immoral person as much as the moral person
Am I more able to love those that have betrayed me, or am I still bitter and holding grudges?
Am I less judgmental that I was 10 years ago, or am I more critical and judgmental?
Is my love becoming more or less like Jesus’ love?
-Jesus’ love was so strong for the woman at the well that He was able to give her what five husbands had not been able to give her. (John 4:1-28)
-Jesus’ love was so strong for a young woman caught in adultery that he stood up to rock throwing legalists with a religious spirit that were about to stone her to death. (John 8:1-11)
-Jesus’ love and mercy was so strong that He promised a guilty thief who was being crucified next to Him, a place with Him in paradise. (Luke 23:43)
-Jesus’ love and mercy were so strong for you and me that even though our sin was a crime worthy of death and eternal damnation, He chose to die in our place, pay our penalty, and give us eternal life. He was willing to give it all up, so He could give us all the love and mercy that we needed to be saved and made whole. (John 3:16)
What am I willing to give up? Am I willing to lay aside my status?
Am I willing to go out of my way to spend time with someone that others look down upon, and who is not like me?
Am I willing to give up my front row seat?
Am I willing to give up my front row parking spot?
Am I willing to give until it hurts to see people saved?
Am I willing to give of my time, talents, and treasures, to see broken marriages, broken people, and broken families restored?
Am I willing to give people a safe place to be vulnerable and to confess their faults? A place where they can receive forgiveness without judgment, and begin their journey to wholeness?
Am I willing to love every person regardless of race or socio-economic status?
Am I willing to forgive those who’ve hurt me and pray blessing over them?
Am I willing to weep with those that weep and rejoice with those that rejoice?
Am I willing to give up my life?
I know these questions challenge our flesh, but we must be willing to answer these questions with a resounding “YES” if we’re ever going to grow and see God’s church have the kind of impact He destined for us to have. I don’t want Soul Harvest Worship Center, or the church you attend or lead to be known as simply a praying church, an evangelistic church, a prophetic church, a large church, a small church, a charismatic church, a conservative church, a powerful church, etc…., but as “The Church of Jesus Christ who loved well!”
Let’s all do our part to love more than we’ve ever loved. When we love people like Jesus loved them, we’ll have no trouble bringing transformation and salvation-wholeness to those we encounter. I love you all! PV