God Hears Your Cry for "HELP!" He's Coming To Your Rescue!
Good Morning My Loves, As I opened my Bible this morning, this was the verse of the day: Luke 19:10 (AMP)
10 for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” I immediately thought of a rescue scene from a show I was watching a few days ago. There were a group of explorers who got lost in a remote area, ran out of food and water, and were crying out for days, but no one came to their rescue. They knew that those who “cared” about them would most likely begin searching for them from above (by air), so they decided to find a flat-open area, and use logs and other debris to spell out the word “HELP!” They knew that if they stayed in the dense, dark jungle area, they would not be found. They had to come out of that darkness into the “open,” and make themselves visible in order to be found. In other words, they had to “want” to be found.
When they were spotted the winds had become so high that their word "help" was being blown away, making their message and cry for help disappear. They were frantically trying to find ways to hold down their word “help,” so it could be seen.
When I saw this scripture in Isaiah 53, it reminded me of how futile a cry for help is when it is directed at the wrong savior!
Isaiah 57:13 (ERV)
When you need help,
you cry to those false gods that you have gathered around you.
Let them help you!
But I tell you, the wind will blow them all away.
A puff of wind will blow them all away.
But the one who depends on me
will get the land I promised
and enjoy my holy mountain. When they heard the sound of the rescue plane, they lifted up their eyes and hands, began wildly waving and crying “help!” If they hadn’t had someone that cared about them, who already knew where to find them, who came from above to reach them, their cries for help would’ve gone unheard and they would’ve died in the wilderness. When they were finally in the aircraft, they fell into their rescuers ams and profusely thanked them. They covered their shivering bodies with blankets and began warming them up. One girl said with tears running down her face “I am so happy to be going home!” This is a picture of what Jesus did for us. Because He cares about us, and knew we were lost, He came from above to rescue us. But we have to come out into the open, look up, lift our voice to heaven, and say “help!” He will rescue us and bring us home to the safety of His arms. My beloved, no matter where you are today God cares, and He knows where to find you. Maybe you’re in a wilderness season, and you’re losing your way. Stop. Come out of the darkness and into the open. Lift up your eyes and voice, and cry out to Jesus for “HELP!” He ALWAYS hears the cry of His righteous ones. He is willing ready to rescue you, pull you into His arms, and bring you home. Psalm 34:17 (AMP)
When the righteous cry [for HELP], THE LORD HEARS
And RESCUES THEM from ALL their distress and troubles. I love you all! PV