This is Your Season of Unstoppable Faith and Power!

Good Morning My Loves, Yesterday the Lord was speaking to me about the futility of worry and the truths that dispel it from our lives. I’ve found that I must simply “choose” not to worry, by “choosing” to have faith in God! “Faith goes without seeing, and worry needs to see it to believe. You must choose faith or worry – you can't pick both, because they can't co-exist.”
Worry causes us to get stuck and to become stagnant. Faith causes us to move forward with God. Being stagnant is not optional for Faith. Paul said it like this: Philippians 3:12-13 (NKJV)
12 Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. 13 Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I’ve seen many people start their journey with God at the same time, however when adversity hits and things are not progressing at the rate they had prayed and hoped for, the one that gets into worry stops reaching for God and becomes stagnant. Worry stems from a root of pride, and Faith is rooted in humility.
-Pride (worry) depends on self, and Faith (humility) depends on God. Reaching for God is a sign of humility. -Pride (worry) pulls away from God and the Body of Christ (His Church) and becomes stagnant. Faith knows that being stagnant is not the will of God, and presses toward God. Faith does not forsake the assembling of itself together with other believers for corporate worship and fellowship. Faith admits that it needs to use it’s gifts for the benefit of others, and to receive from the gifts of others to benefit from them.
-Pride (worry) lets go of spiritual fervor. Faith keeps its spiritual fervor regardless of external circumstances.
-Pride (worry) keeps a person’s faith underdeveloped and in a place of immaturity. It doesn’t break through. Faith becomes more determined, breaks through, and goes from glory to glory, and from strength to strength. Knowing that it has not arrived at full maturity, it becomes unstoppable, and continues to grow! When we are walking in faith and trusting God regardless of what has been said or done to us, our external circumstances, or what we are battling internally, we’ll hear the voice of God spurring us on. God's voice is always the voice of FAITH!
-Faith encourages us to go on for more of God and His abundance in our lives. He is always desiring us to progress and move forward. He is always teaching us “new” things, and giving us a “fresh word” so we can grow to new levels. He is always requiring us to grow in Him, and develop more of His character.
-Faith suffers long, and it doesn’t give up.
-The God kind of faith is always thirsty, always hungry, and is a consuming fire that is never satisfied with mediocrity. It’s always progressing. It’s always burning with zeal and desire.
“True faith is unstoppable. It finds a way to grow through every adverse situation.”
My beloved, let’s not get into worry and allow our spiritual lives to become stagnant. Renounce worry, press on, reach forward, and declare that it's a new season of UNSTOPPABLE FAITH and POWER!
Let’s stay in faith and keep on growing and pressing toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus!
There are “new” things ahead for you, and a generation that needs your “unstoppable faith” to show them how to stay rooted in God, grow to new heights, and stay the course!
Who is watching you? I love you all! PV