A Fresh Wind of Hope is Abating the Flood Of Adversity You've Experienced

Good Morning My Loves,
As I awoke this morning I heard the Lord say, “I’m sending A FRESH WIND OF HOPE to those who have felt weary. They’ve been obedient and done what I’ve asked them to do, but the past season has brought much opposition. They’ve been steadfast and loyal to Me regardless of the opposition they’ve faced. Yes, they’ve experienced a “flood” of opposition, but I’m sending a “FRESH WIND OF HOPE” to abate it and bring them to safety.” I immediately thought of Noah and his family. After being obedient to build the Ark during years of mocking by those who didn’t understand or obey God’s instructions, they were saved when God flooded the earth destroying the wicked mockers. After being at sea for 40 days I’m sure they wondered if God had forgotten them. It was at that point that God sent a wind of kindness, a wind of hope, to abate the waters of adversity and bring them safely to land. Genesis 8:1 (AMP)
The Flood Abates
8 And God remembered and thought kindly of Noah and every living thing and all the animals that were with him in the ark; and God made a wind blow over the land, and the waters receded.
I heard in my spirit again, “I’m sending a fresh wind of HOPE to my weary ones.” The song “Hope Again” began ringing in my ears. My daughter Simone Benoit wrote and recorded a song called “Hope Again” on her album “Journey of Pursuit,” and it ends with the lyrics, “You (speaking of God) give me hope again, Oh I believe, You give me hope again….)
It’s a message of God’s redemptive power to come into our brokenness and breath life into our soul when it looks like there is no hope. When we’ve reached our end, the bottom of the barrel, the knot at the end of the rope, the place where you say “God if you don’t take care of this it, it won’t get done because I’m tired. However, even though my mind and soul are weary, my spirit still has faith. I choose to put my hope and trust in YOU! I’ve done what you asked me to do, I’m completely surrendered to you as my only way out. All other options have been eliminated. It’s ONLY YOU that will get me through this, and I believe You will.”
It’s the place where all we can do is look up and say, “I don’t see or feel it in the natural, but I faith it! I believe You’ll take this situation and somehow use it for Your glory. I don’t see it with my natural eyes, and what I once saw clearly with my eyes of faith is growing dim. I’m hanging onto Your unfailing love and I still have “hope” that You’ll come through for me. I know You didn’t bring me this far to leave me and my family now.” My beloved, “GOD HAS NOT FORGOTTEN YOU!” Like Noah, He remembers and thinks kindly of you. Get ready for a fresh wind of his goodness to blow over you. I declare that this will be a season of safety and rest for you. Everywhere you stand you take the land. The uncommon favor of God will be evident upon you, and even your enemies will rise up and call you blessed. Many will seek you out and court you because of the favor of God upon your life. Because you anchored yourself in the unfailing love of God, and rested your HOPE fully upon Him, He delights in you and is giving you the desires of your heart! 11 the LORD delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love. (Psalm 147:11) I love you all! PV