God is Choosing the "Least Likely Ones" to Lead a Deliverance Militia!
Good Morning My Loves,
I’ve been going through the book of Judges the past few weeks and I noticed that God the Holy Spirit was at work in the Old Testament, sovereignly giving men “secret power.” In other words, only a few select people had the Holy Spirit “come upon them” giving them power for specific tasks or assignments. We are New Testament believers and we have access to the same power that raised Christ from the dead 24/7!
Jesus said, “But you will receive power and ability when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you will be My witnesses [to tell people about Me] both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and Samaria, and even to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8 AMP)
We can be “endued” with power, anytime, anywhere, for everything, if we’ll simply stay surrendered the the precious Holy Spirit, pray in the Spirit, and be ready for our marching orders! We not only have Him “in” us, but also “upon” us! We are to be “filled” and “baptized” with the Holy Spirit’s POWER!
The first person to be clothed with the power of the Holy Spirit in Judges, was a man named Gideon. Although he was “the least of his clan,” he was chosen by God to lead his people out of seven years of oppression at the hand of the Midianites. They were “very powerful,” and so numerous that they looked like a “swarm of locusts!” They devoured and ruined everything that belonged to God’s people. Nothing they planted produced. In order to survive, they had to hide food in caves. This state of terrorism and “poverty” was the direct result of their disobedience, YET……. when they had become “completely oppressed” (7 represents completion) they cried out to God, and he “endued” a deliverer (Gideon) with POWER to “completely deliver” them out of their bondage! How good, how merciful, how faithful is our God?!!! (Judges 6)
This is the year 5777 on the Jewish calendar. The number (5) represents “grace,” and the number (7) represents completion. In other words, “God is giving you the grace-power to experience complete deliverance this year, if you’ll do what He instructed Gideon to do.” -FIRST: God instructed Gideon to tear down his father’s altar to Baal.
Gideon obeyed. In other words, he destroyed the source of their disobedience! He risked his own life to be obedient to God. He surrendered. This was a bold act of repentance and acknowledgement that he would have no other gods before the God of Israel. He put God in his rightful place. In order to be victorious, we MUST do the same.
-SECOND: God the Holy Spirit clothed him with power.
Gideon still needed a lot of convincing that he had “the power,” but he ultimately trusted God and won the victory!
Judges 6:34 (AMP)
34 So the Spirit of the Lord clothed (came upon) Gideon [and empowered him]; and he blew a trumpet, and the Abiezrites were called together [as a militia] to follow him.
As I was studying this the Lord spoke to me and said, “I’m raising up the “least likely” ones to lead a deliverance militia. I’m not only IN them, I’m UPON them! They are sold out to Me. They have no other gods before me. They will wreak havoc on the enemy. They are being fashioned for this level of warfare, and they will bring complete deliverance to their families, cities, regions, and nations.”
Many of you are hearing the call of God in this season to return to the altar of prayer, AND TO PRAY IN THE SPIRIT MORE THAN YOU’VE EVER DONE BEFORE! God is working out all insecurities. All small thinking. All pride. As you surrender all to Him, he’s empowering you and giving you your marching orders. This will be a highly effective season of power and deliverance. Blow the TRUMPET and get ready to march. Heaven’s armies are dispatched and ready to be deployed on your behalf! You’re about to deliver the multitudes and bring in a harvest of souls!
I love you all! PV